People Proving They’re Not The Brightest Crayon In The Coloring Box

Sometimes our better judgment flies out the window and we’re left dazed and confused. In those moments, we make mistakes and we mess up and we post our fails on the internet to show the world just how dumb we can be. It happens to the best of us.

Luckily, all of that stupidity is super entertaining. Keep reading to see some of the lowest moments in human evolution. Meet a man who doesn’t know how to eat a granola bar, a Christian bookstore that misunderstood a Mark Twain quote, and some people who really don’t know how Frankenstein works.



Photo Credit: E-RaticArtist / Reddit

Oh dear, Classical Art Memes, this is a rough one. Yes, kind Facebook editor, he is called Owen Wilson. Owen Wilson is an iconic actor who says “wow” in every movie he’s ever been in. He is the brother of Luke Wilson, Zoolander’s rival and other half, the most notable nose in Hollywood.

Kieth Urban is a country singer.