These Pictures Were Taken At The Perfect Moment And We Are In Awe
A picture captures a single moment in time, but not all moments are created equal. Some moments are just funnier, cooler, or more amazing than others. These quick photographers were able to hit their shutters at exactly the right time. It is thanks to them that these best moments are now immortalized forever.
Read on to see a real parenting faux pas, a bird that's flying at just the right angle, and a lady who is about to step into a pool of trouble.
Put A Cork In It
Photo Credit: romancreed / Reddit
Have you ever been hit square in the forehead with a champagne cork? I have. It's not fun. The moment just before it happens is kind of funny though.
The lady in yellow looks blissfully unaware of the tragedy that is about to befall her beloved partner.
Just A Little Bite
Photo Credit: myfavkitchen / Reddit
Never point at a duck. Ducks don't take to kindly to being singled out by a human figure. This picture is a clear warning.
That girl is happy now, but in a fraction of a second, she's going to have a much different expression on her face.
Prepare To Share
Photo Credit: sophielola_ / Reddit
Seagulls have been known to steal a french fry or two, but a lick of your ice cream? That doesn't happen as often.
The seagull's top-down approach to snagging a snack makes for some perfect photo composition. Good job, seagull. You keep doing you.
When Your Favorite Uncle Drops The Ball
Photo Credit: Surgikull / Reddit
Uncle Tony is always running around with the kids, sneaking them extra cookies and playing baseball. But in a single moment, Uncle Tony went from favorite uncle to uncle who drops the children.
Get it together, Tony. We can't have you dropping kids all over the place.
Parenting At Its Finest
Photo Credit: IWorshipTacos / Reddit
It looks like this one is actually the kid's fault. He must have plopped his head down on his mom's lap and knocked the bottom of her martini glass in the process.
Mom looks like she's holding a thousand years of panic between her face and her neck.
Seal, Meet Glass
Photo Credit: phanesoaks / Reddit
This seal hit the glass a little too hard and a little too fast. His poor face got all smushed up, but the whole event made for a hilarious photo.
Isn't wonderful how seal bodies are so squishy and malleable? I wish all bodies were like seal bodies.
A Low Blow
Photo Credit: StarVulpes / Reddit
Everything was going according to plan until little Timmy asked to be lifted out of the boat. His big brother is trying really hard not to swear in front of him in this photo.
Sometimes the most painful moments make for the funniest pictures. Keep reading to see a girl who hasn't yet realized she's about to get drenched.
Hang In There, Baby
Photo Credit: Tevesh_CKP / Reddit
This little owl lost his footing while a talented photographer snapped a photo at exactly the right moment.
Whether he managed to get back on the branch or if he fell all the way off we will never know. The photo can only tell us so much.
A Perfect Fauxhawk
Photo Credit: teereximus / Reddit
That guy isn't sporting a funky hairstyle. There is actually a bird flying right behind his head.
This photo brings a whole new meaning to the term, "fauxhawk." If only birds could imitate all kinds of hairstyles. I want to see a bird mullet.
She's About To Get Very Upset
Photo Credit: EndlessVanity / Reddit
It's all fun and games until somebody gets covered in an unknown liquid. For her sake, I hope that's water.
This is undoubtedly the best moment to catch on camera in this sequence of events, but I do kind of want to see her face right after impact.
Stuck In The Mud
Photo Credit: [deleted] / Reddit
I like how this photographer captured the expression of instant regret on this poor dog's face.
Running in the mud can be a difficult task. It's ok, pupper, you can get right back up and try again. Read ahead for a bridesmaid who just couldn't keep it together.
Don't Spill The Beans
Photo Credit: 2-718 / Reddit
This guy had literally one job. Now that carpet is going to have a huge stain on it. Is there a better excuse to get hardwood put in? I don't think so.
Also, Someone is going to have to make another batch of whatever food that is.
Get Right Back On The Horse
Photo Credit: ppswwe / Reddit
I think there are actually three kids falling off that horse. That is too many kids to put on a horse. Maybe that's why they fell off.
The guy holding the camera seems to be their father. Maybe he should be watching his kids instead of trying to take a selfie.
It Was All Just Too Much
Photo Credit: GallowBoob / Reddit
The groom's sister hadn't eaten all day and couldn't take the heat coming in from those windows. Bridesmaid number two does not look impressed.
She knows she should have been the maid of honor and this is exactly why. She would never faint in the middle of the ceremony.
A Firely Affair
Photo Credit: MURPHtheSURF / Reddit
This lady set her hair on fire while blowing out her birthday candles. This photo was taken the split second before anybody noticed what had happened.
Make sure you always tie your hair back before you stick your face near a cake full of fire. Read on for a dog whose eyes are transfixed on a treat.
Total Eclipse Of The Bird
Photo Credit: Andthenabird / Reddit
Lens flare and some very good timing allowed this photographer to capture an eclipse on the underside of this bird's wing.
Eclipses don't come around all too often, so a photo like this is extremely rare. I wish I could get that bird to sign a copy of this photo.
A Disaster Waiting To Happen
Photo Credit: EdumacateMe / Reddit
Well, that's one way to get out of a boring conversation. Just, splash and you're out.
Also, she is making absolutely no effort to break her fall. This photo must have been taken before she knew she was falling. Nice tan though, dude in the foreground. Nice tan.
One Ring To Rule Them All
Photo Credit: Arainya / Reddit
It looks like this dog has Jedi powers. It also looks like he's very, very excited to get his teeth around that little treat.
The angles in this photo are particularly good. I like how the photographer got the shot right when the treat was in the middle of the dog's forehead.
Someone's About To Be Dinner
Photo Credit: Reddit
This is a double-crested cormorant about to eat a fish for dinner. The composition of this photo is excellent.
The fish is right in the middle of the bird's beak, but the bird hasn't gotten a bite in yet. It's a bad time to be that fish though.
Down The Mountain He Tumbles
Photo Credit: Nergaal/reddit
This is why sumo rings should never be elevated. It's not just that this guy lost the match, insult was added to injury as he tumbled to his doom.
The victor of the fight, meanwhile, gets to walk away like an action movie star. There's no explosion here, just a mound of sumo sushi on the ground waiting to be cleaned up.
No Style Point Were Awarded
Photo Credit: paperhatprophet/reddit
You don't get points for waving as you fall off your skateboard. That's what this sick trickster learned the hard way his the concrete beneath. At least he thinks he looks cool doing it.
Actually, he looks pretty emotionless as he falls. Maybe he did it just for this picture. In that case, style points will still not be rewarded!
The God Of Lighting Strikes Again
Photo Credit: reddit
You mess with nature you get burned! We have no idea what this tree did to incur nature's wrath, but thank god someone was there to capture the moment.
We wonder though, did the tree not produce enough oxygen? Did it produce too much oxygen? The world will never know, and that's probably best for us all.
The Danger Is In The Beauty
Photo Credit: wadeybb/reddit
Things didn't quite out for the poor fish in this photo, but who cares when the color composure is so amazing. The contract of the bird over the water. The details in the tiny water drops! We're blown away.
It's all okay, little fish, you were eaten for the best cause. Nature can be violent, but sometimes there is incredible beauty in that.
Just Give The Bird The Fish
Photo Credit: Cloudy_Memory_Loss/reddit
Apparently, this innocent girl was trying to feed the seals you can't the fish in her hand. This bird had other ideas. You know what seals? You snooze you lose. The tortoise doesn't always beat the hare!
Kudos to this little girl for not scare either. If I was feeding something in the water and something the air attacked me, let's just say it wouldn't be pretty.
Who Has Better Hair?
Photo Credit: ruwanvanlaar/reddit
Which horse do you think has better hair? Both have long straight flowing locks, but one of them wears it better. You can't decide? That's okay, they'll decide for you, by fighting!
Of course, they probably aren't fighting over who has better hair. They definitely aren't fighting over who has better hair. We just wish they were.
We Found The Gold
Photo Credit: RampChurch/reddit
They say the pot of gold is at the end of the rainbow. This rainbow is being pretty lazy just giving away the location of the booty! The only mystery now is how to get up to the plane to win the cash prize.
Maybe it's a plane full of leprechauns, all moving their gold to hide in new locations! That's a plane we want to be passengers on.
Whatcha Doing?
Photo Credit: OBLIVIATER/reddit
Nothing ruins a perfect picture of the sun setting than man's best friend jumping into the frame. Throw it the ball! That's all the curious pupper wants.
While you're too busy making sure the sun is in the perfect spot and the color is just right for social media, your poop dog is starving for attention. And plain starving because of your neglect!
Let's See The Rock Do That
Photo Credit: AlphaCentauriKid/reddit
So this munchkin probably isn't doing no-leg pushups, but the picture makes a convincing case she is. And now the Rock is trembling in his boots!
What was she doing? Our best guess is falling, which is pretty funny. She bracing herself and might have a classic faceplant in the process. In our heart, she'll always be doing pushups with no legs.
You Had A Good Run, Horse Fly
Photo Credit: lunaislife/reddit
This fly bugged the wrong dog! What vicious way to have your already short life shortened. At some point, you'd think the fly would see the giant jaws of the dog coming down and book the other way.
According to the photographer, that didn't happen. This dog won the battle, but the war between horse flies and house dogs rages on!
And That's The Pavement!
Photo Credit: angelina_scarlet/reddit
This is the artsiest photo of a skateboard fail you are ever going to see. What followed was the pain of the process. Great art hurts, and this person paid for it in blood.
Do you know what the worst part is? That's a long road to tumble. Hopefully, they have 911 on speed dial
This Bird Messed With The Wrong Woman
Photo Credit: Truthisnotwallowed/reddit
This seagull learned a rough lesson when it tried to steal this woman's food. She was having none of it and grabbed the bird by the throat to prove it. We're guessing this isn't her first rodeo.
Birds don't usually show emotion, but that looks like a genuine amount of shock from this one. The perfect crime just backfired, now it must pay the price.
Nice Hair!
Photo Credit: wadeybb/reddit
First off, this is one of the most amazing pictures we've ever seen. Secondly, we had no idea orcas had hair. That is hair, right? We're going with hair, no need to google this one.
Back to the beauty of the photo now. Everything is perfect. If you folding it in half the two sides would match perfectly.
The One Where The Bird Gets Away
Photo Credit: dylan712/reddit
Not surprisingly, it's easier for seagulls to steal food from children the grown adults. The bird finds it mark and swoops down just before he can take a bite. He does still take a bit... of air!
We're sure his parents will buy him a new hot dog. The seagull wins this round, but that salt bomb in its mouth is going to lead to some nasty aviary heartburn.
It's A Bird, It's A Plane, It's... Both!
Photo Credit: sorryimanorwichfan/reddit
Another day, another seagull. This one has quite the following! There are at least seven mini planes following this bird wherever its journey takes it.
We know, we know, the plans aren't tiny and they aren't following the bird, it's just a perfectly timed photo to make it look that way. Sorry for trying to have a little fun.
Who Turned On The Sprinklers?
Photo Credit: TranscendentalHoot/reddit
Army training is never tougher than when you can't show your weakness to a sprinkler. If he moves one inch, he's cleaning the bathroom floor with a toothbrush. And it has to be so clean is sergeant can eat off it!
What's amazing is that no seems to notice their brother getting attacked by a surprise enemy. Whatever they're being told must be really captivating.
This Is Why You Don't Hold The Clutch
Photo Credit: wilkinsr123/reddit
Well, this is just unfortunate. You spend weeks training, getting your timing right, then you get to the line. The red light changed from green and BOOM; you blow up. Easy victory for the other guy.
If you want funny car racing (as it's called for some reason), this is probably a familiar scene to you.
They Jumped Together
Photo Credit: chardymcdaniel/reddit
This is what happens when you don't coordinate who gets to jump over the sand hole first. No one wins. You both hit each other and fall into the hole instead of safely landing over it.
Was a lesson learned here? Probably not. Will these girls make the same mistake again? Probably.
We Found Birdfoot!
Photo Credit: yopuz1/reddit
We know you've heard of bigfoot, but have you ever head of birdfoot? We captured an elusive picture of the tiny monster. The only problem is it's a little. We just hope it's not a bird in a birdfoot costume!
As soon as birdfoot saw us it flew off into the woods, finding a new place to hide and new bugs to eat. We miss you birdfoot!
He's Not Getting That Hat Back
Photo Credit: awesomekidhero/reddit
The Golden Gate Bridge is the perfect place to take a picture with your significant other. Few views in the world are as stunning. Just don't wear the hat. As this guy learned, it's windy in San Francisco!
Judging from the colors of the hat, he knew that already. Black and orange means he's a Giants' fans. Well, he was a Giants' fan.
Where'd The Foothold Go?
Photo Credit: reddit
That's unfortunate. If you're like this rock climber and having trouble seeing, maybe you lost your glasses too. Suddenly his fun afternoon of rock climbing just became a little riskier.
This is also proof of why you shouldn't go rock climbing with your reading glasses. They have glasses designed for outdoor adventurers. Time to invest, dude!