These Totally Weird Bathrooms Will Make You Cringe

None of us talk about it, but we all go. Some of us take it more seriously than others, but at the end of the day, everyone has to use the washroom. A lot of us are privileged enough to have a toilet and not a hole in the ground, but having nice facilities doesn’t guarantee an enjoyable bathroom experience.

These strange facilities around the world should remind you that the tiny bathroom in your apartment really isn’t as bad as you thought. At least your toilet isn’t in the middle of where you cook your dinner.

Not Sure How Practical This Is

toilet under counter.jpg

Photo credit: @Miss_Powerhouse / Twitter

I understand that a lot of apartments have to fit a three-piece bathroom in a tiny space, but I feel like they went too far here. It seems like there is no possible way to use this toilet.

If you’re that strapped on space, I’d rather have a toilet than a sink. Be sure to have an endless supply of hand sanitizer nearby.