Genius Parenting Hacks All Moms And Dads Need To Know About

Becoming a parent can be super daunting. Kids aren’t just small adults— they’re constantly growing into whole, complete people. They think differently than we do. If we want to get kids to behave properly, we have to think like a kid.

These Reddit users are sharing their best parenting tips and tricks. These tried and true hacks will help you take on life’s greatest and most difficult assignment—being a fantastic mom or dad. Keep reading to learn how you can teach your kids important life skills, and have fun at the same time.

Grocery Shop In Peace


Photo Credit: Cyrus McCrimmon/The Denver Post via Getty Images

“When grocery shopping with kids, allow them to get one small item (with a price limit). Once they have selected their one item, every time they ask for anything else you can respond, ‘OK, but you’ll have to put back (first item). Is that what you really want?’

This way they get some control, which is what they really want, and you don’t have to spend the entire shopping trip arguing and saying no. This is part of a general child raising philosophy of allowing kids to make choices, but controlling what those choices are.” —u/FilchsCat